Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tamiflu and to relenza.

tamiflu and to relenza.

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tamiflu and to relenza.
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Si sta facendo un gran parlare di questa nuova potenziale catastrofe planetaria, che è partita dal Messico e che sembra si stia diffondendo un po' in tutto il mondo. La paura di una pandemia è forte! Ma sarà tutto vero quello che i giornali e i telegiornali ci propinano? Leggete un po' qui ... As the H1N1 swine flu virus continues to wax and wane in different parts of the country, U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they were working as fast as possible to learn as much as they can the virus within 12 months. Australia's pandemic plan, based on worldwide studies, suggests the virus will continue to spread and could become a mainstream flu strain that could affect 20 per cent of the Geelong region's population of 211,000. 'We have

Author: sjload70
Keywords: swine flu pandemic WHO vaccines
Added: May 4, 2009

The first patient diagnosed with swine flu in the Czech Republic has only light symptoms and should fully recover within a week, doctors say. including all MonitorPlus articles direct from leading Czech newspapers and magazines the daily executive


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